Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • C. Laugier is Guest Editor (with A. Zelinsky, A. Broggi and U. Ozgüner) for the chapter “Intelligent Vehicles” of the 2nd edition of the Springer “Handbook of Robotics” to be published in March 2015.

  • C. Laugier is Guest Editor (with Ph. Martinet and U. Nunes) for a Special Issue on “Perception and Navigation for Autonomous vehicles” of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine. March 2014. Editorial: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00932719 .

  • A. Spalanzani co-organised a workshop on Assistance and Service robotics in a human environment during IROS 14, Chicago, US, September 2014.

  • C. Laugier co-organized (with Ph. Martinet, U. Nunes, and C. Stiller) the 6th Workshop on “Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles” at the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 conference, Chicago, US, September 2014.

  • C. Laugier was an Associate Editor for the IEEE ICRA 2014 conference.

  • C. Laugier is co-chair (with Ph. Martinet and C. Stiller) of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on “Autonomous Ground Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems”.

  • C. Laugier is a member of the Advisory / Steering Committee of IEEE/RSJ IROS conference.

  • C. Laugier is a member of the Editorial Board of the JSME Robomech Journal.

Keynote talks

  • C. Laugier. Keynote talk “Bayesian Perception and Decision: from theory to real world applications”. IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014, Chicago, Sept. 2016.

  • C. Laugier. Invited Talk “Nex cars generation". Invited by Tokyo University and Japanese companies. Tokyo, October 2014.

  • C. Laugier. Plenary Talk “Key Technologies for addressing the challenge of Autonomous Vehicles”. Int. Conf. on “Innovations for next generation automobule”. Sendai, Japan, October 2014.

  • C. Laugier. Invited Talk “Technologies for next cars generation”. IEEE ICARCV 2014, plenary session on the future of robotics, Singapore, December 2014.

  • M. Perrollaz and C. Laugier. Invited Talk (given by M. Perrollaz) “Relever les défis des véhicules autonomes”. EMM 2014, 12éme rencontre Européene de Mecatronique. Annecy, June 2014.